Gediminas Vaičiūnas
An optimization model of traction rolling stock operation
Brak streszczenia w języku polskim (artyuł jedynie w wersji anglojęzycznej).
An optimization model of traction rolling stock operation
Working with market terms and conditions, matters (issues or questions) regarding stocktaking (registration) of property (resources) and rational usage are very urgent. Economical effect is perceived as tax, the difference is got by the transportation of carriage and exploitation cost. The mathematical model is formed by three components. The receipts or income (affirmative and positive component), fuel cost and cost a time (negative component). The difference of streams of loads is very import. This mathematical model is supposed to improve the transport income for each transported carriage unit, the cost of fuel and other exploitation costs and to evaluate the difference of streams of loads.
The analysis of wear intensity of the locomotive wheel - sets
The wear dynamics of wheel - set tyres of Diesel locomotives was investigated. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to forecast the safe operation period of wheel - set tyres between overhauls, to improve their maintenance and planning of overhauls and to achieve more efficient allocation of resources to the repairs of traction rolling stocks.
Determining the efficient service life of traction rolling stocks
To maintain and renew traction rolling stocks, the causes of their deterioration which are closely connected with operational conditions should be identified. For this purpose, such parameters of rolling stocks as the performed work, speed, acceleration, mass, etc. should be properly determined. The first objective is to develop mathematical models to evaluate integrated criteria describing the deterioration of freight and passenger locomotives from technical and economical perspectives. The second goal is to compare the main criteria describing the process of deterioration of freight and passenger locomotives and the respective differences in the strategies of their renewal. Fuel consumption, engine oil consumption and terminal delays due to off-schedule locomotive maintenance were investigated. Each of these parameters may be used to determine the locomotive state (quality) from a particular perspective.
Zmiana złożonych wskaźników gospodarczych zużycia osobowego taboru kolejowego
Szereg kryteriów opisujących stan lokomotywy z różnych perspektyw może być używanych do oszacowania ich stanu. Kilka złożonych albo zintegrowanych kryteriów obrazujących stan ogólny lokomotyw Diesla może też być alternatywnie używanych w takim przypadku. Zintegrowany wskaźnik wyników charakteryzujący stan lokomotyw może być wyrażony przez opisane funkcjonalne zależności. Analiza dostępnych metod dla złożonej oceny stanu taboru kolejowego pokazała, że wydajność całkowita lokomotywy może być opisana przez bezwymiarowy wskaźnik.
A change of complex economic indicators of passenger rolling stock deterioration
Various criteria describing the state of a locomotive from various perspectives can be used to assess its performance. Some complex or integrated criteria reflecting a general state of Diesel locomotives can also be used. an integrated performance indicator characterizing the locomotive performance is expressed by the following functional relationship. The analysis of the available methods for complex evaluation of the locomotive condition has shown that overall performance of the locomotive can be described by a dimensionless indicator.
Wpływ krzywizn linii kolejowej na zużycie smarowanych i niesmarowanych obrzeży kół
W artykule omówiono konieczność wyznaczania stanu lokomotywowych zestawów kołowych i jego zmian. Przedmiotem badań jest obrzeże koła lokomotywy. Bezpieczny ruch kolejowy w dużej mierze zależy od niezawodności zestawu kołowego lokomotywy. W przedstawionej pracy skonstruowano złożony model ścierania obrzeża koła lokomotywy dla niesmarowanych i smarowanych obrzeży kół. Model ten uwzględnia przebieg lokomotywy i promień krzywizny.
The influence of railroad curves on the wear of lubricated and unlubricated wheel flanges
Therefore, the condition of the locomotive wheelsets and its variations should be determined. Research object is the locomotive wheel flange. Safe railway traffic largely depends on the locomotive wheelset reliability. A complex model of the locomotive wheel flange abrasion, taking into account the locomotive run and curve radius, was constructed for unlubricated and lubricated wheel flanges.